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 FRANK, Ella - Prime Time Tome 3 - Headline

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Messages : 60
Date d'inscription : 19/01/2012
Localisation : Dans les nuages

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MessageSujet: FRANK, Ella - Prime Time Tome 3 - Headline   FRANK, Ella - Prime Time Tome 3 - Headline Icon_minitime1Sam 26 Sep - 18:07

Prime Time #3 : Headlines
Ella Frank

Sortie le 28 Septembre 2020

Quatrième de couverture :


If I had to describe Sean Bailey, it would be as the sexy, caring, wonderful man I’ve gone and fallen in love with. I never could’ve imagined a world where he was my everything. But with each passing day, the connection between us grows stronger, and the idea of a world without him is something I can’t imagine.

But Sean’s love doesn’t come without complications. As the older brother of my lifelong best friend, this new love has caused relationships to break down and communication to become stilted, and the one question that remains is: am I willing to give up the love and friendship of one for the chance of love and forever with another?


I didn’t mean to fall in love with Alexander Thorne, my brother’s ex and the number one prime-time news anchor in the country. I mean, no one could’ve seen that coming—least of all me. But that’s exactly what happened over these past couple of months: I fell in love.

That’d be complicated enough, I suppose, but Xander? Well, he fell in love with me too, and while it’s caused some major upset in the dynamics around here, I have to believe that a love this real can only lead to somewhere amazing.

This thing between us started out as a job, a friend helping out a friend. But after playing the role of Xander’s boyfriend, I find myself wanting the job full-time, because neither of us are playing anymore.
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Messages : 60
Date d'inscription : 19/01/2012
Localisation : Dans les nuages

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MessageSujet: Re: FRANK, Ella - Prime Time Tome 3 - Headline   FRANK, Ella - Prime Time Tome 3 - Headline Icon_minitime1Sam 26 Sep - 18:08

I was so excited to read Headlines, that when it came up on my Kindle I didn’t get a wink of sleep just to read it :p now that I read it, let get to it ! If you haven’t read the first two volume of the Prime Time series, I strongly suggest you to not read my review as it contains spoilers about both book 1 and 2.

At the end of book 2, Sean and Xander’s relationship blew up in the face of Bailey, Sean’s brother and Xander’s best friend. The least we can say is that he didn’t take it well. He felt betrayed by the most important people in his life and refused to talk to them, two weeks after the incident. That was the main plot of the last volume of the Prime time series : Bailey’s acceptance. It was well written and the emotions in the three of them felt raw and genuine I couldn’t help but feel sorry for them. They were in a difficult position, and all of them had valid points. Henri was the key to help diffuse the situation and Henri being Henri, as I told you in my previous reviews, he was definitely suspicious about Sean and Xander.

As the book was mainly focused about the Bailey-Sean-Xander situation, we didn’t get to see much of other characters. I can’t help being curious about Ryan, Xander’s assistant, and Kieran, the last of the Bailey’s brothers (not together but as individuals they totally deserve a story). We get to meet Xander’s parents coming back to Chicago for his birthday and they were in for a surprise as for Xander’s new boyfriend. The formal “meeting” at Julien’s restaurant was a nice touch and I couldn’t help myself to look for our French chef in these chapters ;)

Ella also added another sub plot and I was kinda disappointed because we didn’t see much about the outcome. Someone close to Xander sold information to a gossip newspaper and outed Sean as a gay man, when he didn’t out himself to anyone. We get to know who did it, but we didn’t get to see a confrontation between this person and Xander, we didn’t get his motivations… This subplot was a bit weak and was not used to its full potential.

Xander and Sean as a couple in a bubble are perfectly happy. But now that their bubble exploded they have navigate their relationship in the real world. I was a bit worried but they did a stellar job working every situation, tackling them down together as a couple. They learned in the first two books they were stronger together and they keep their realization in mind while confronting disapproval about their relationship. They are confident about their love and are not afraid to show it. I still love their story : they have come a long way together and I am so happy they got the ending they deserve.

Now that their chapter is closed I can’t wait to see what is next in Ella’s brain and what she got planned for her faithful and loyal readers ;)

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